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January 31, 2021
Patrick Tigue
The Best Stethoscope? 3M Littmann vs Welch Allyn
When it comes to making an investment like purchasing a stethoscope — especially for students — making the right choice is mission-critical. There's so much to think about that sometimes it can be a little overwhelming, however, your new stethoscope may be the main tool any medical professional uses for several years. An incorrect choice could have lasting ramifications. So, to help you out, here we take a look at two heavy hitters in the stethoscope world. Favourites of healthcare professionals around the world, Littmann and Welch Allyn are both highly respected manufacturers of healthcare equipment, and while some buyers prefer the history behind the Welch Allyn name, others will take comfort in the 3M Littmann line of stethoscope options and innovative single head stethoscope or traditional double head technologies. In truth, they are both great brands, but they do offer a range of different products that are suitable for a variety of different applications But which is better? This blog will break down those differences and examine why they may matter to you. So, whether you're looking at an entry-level Littmann Cardiology stethoscope or a top of the line Welch Allyn Harvey Elite, we'll give you the background information you need to ensure your next high-quality stethoscope is the right fit! Welch Allyn vs Littmann — History Neither the Littmann or Welch Allyn brands are fly-by-night operations. They’ve both been around longer than most medical institutions, and they have the pedigree to back up a broad range of medical equipment. More than 100 years ago, in New York (USA), Welch Allyn opened its doors as a family business making medical diagnosis equipment. In fact, despite now employing nearly 3,000 people worldwide, the same family still owns Welch Allyn. What started in the 1960s as an American company called Cardiosonics, begun by cardiologist David Littmann, eventually grew into the Littmann brand of stethoscopes. 3M bought Littmann’s patents in 1967. Back then, there were only two models, one for doctors and one for nurses. Oh, how times have changed. Welch Allyn vs Littmann — Variety Where Welch Allyn has a little more history than Littmann to back up its credentials, the variety and range of 3M Littmann stethoscopes take precedent. Within the Medshop Malaysia catalogue, we offer more colours and model options for Littmann than one can count, and from the Littmann Classic II S.E to the Littmann Cardiology III, you can always count on the highest acoustic performance and sound quality. Our Welch Allyn selection, on the other hand, is less diverse, however solid stethoscope designs such as the Harvey DLX and the entry-level Professional model are always firm favourites with healthcare professionals. Welch Allyn's reputation with medical professionals also extends to their ophthalmoscopes, otoscopes, blood pressure monitoring tools, ECG equipment, sphygmomanometers, and that’s just to name a few items. That Welch Allyn quality is what one should expect from their stethoscopes too. In the end, if a variety of colours and models matters to you, Littmann is where you will spend your money. Welch Allyn vs Littmann — Price The costs associated with stethoscopes depends very much on the kind of features and functions you require. Today, you can choose between electronic stethoscopes and acoustic stethoscopes, between stainless steel binaurals or rose gold, you can even select from a range of different earpieces, ear tips, chest pieces, while also finding features that block out ambient noise, offer dual sound channels, tuneable diaphragms for both high-frequency and low-frequency sounds, as well as with either dual or single head chest pieces. Naturally, durability and reliability should also come high up on the list. Put simply, some of us are harder on our tools, particularly healthcare professionals working within paediatrics or in EMT settings. In these cases, purchasing a stethoscope that will last, that has a long warranty, and that has a broad range of replacement parts available is likely to push up your initial expense. Over the long term, however, this is likely to be a good investment. All aspects being equal, the Littmann line of stethoscopes generally retail a little higher than most Welch Allyn models. For example, the Welch Allyn Lightweight Stethoscope is an excellent piece of entry-level equipment that comes in at a bargain price, however, it is unlikely to provide the kind of accuracy and durability that is required in most professional settings. The Littmann Classic II S.E Stethoscope in our catalogue comes in at double the price, however, it does offer a few more advanced features and more accurate identification of heart sounds and other auscultation tasks. Sitting in the middle of the spectrum, the Littmann Cardiology IV Stethoscopes offer an excellent price/performance balance and are only slightly more expensive than the Welch Allyn Harvey Elite, which we carry in four colours. Both of these are included in our list of best stethoscopes and they are extremely popular with healthcare professionals of all kinds. At the top end, the Littmann 3200 Digital Stethoscope sits on a platform all of its own, and this fully digital stethoscope offers a range of advanced features, including ambient noise reduction, an ergonomic headset, and wireless connectivity to a computer through Bluetooth. In short, the costs associated with Littmann versus Welch Allyn stethoscopes parallels their respective features. At Medshop, we offer a broader range of Littmann products, however, that is not to say the Welch Allyn should be written off. Identify the features that you need and compare them in the shop—after all, your investment could last you many years if you choose carefully. Welch Allyn vs Littmann — Bottom Line Considering both Littmann and Welch Allyn garner plenty of respect in the healthcare industry, it would be foolish to rank one brand above the other definitively. Like many competitive brands, Welch Allyn and Littmann offer similar products with a range of different features, it is up to you to choose the model that best suits the way you work and your specific role. A well-maintained stethoscope could last years, if not decades, with proper care, and when you consider that many of the better models have replacement parts readily available, you can rest assured that your kit will be as comfortable and functional as the day you bought it. Try not to get too hung up on colour options. The tubing on most stethoscopes will need replacement in time. You don’t have to be a one-colour stethoscope stiff. You could swap out your tubing every time you clean your tools… every day if you want. So, whether it’s the Littmann Master Cardiology range, the Welch Allyn Harvey Elite or something in between, you'll find all the information you need to choose the right stethoscope for your needs at Medshop. However, If you still can’t decide between these two brands, reach out to us. We can try to help you find the best fit for your needs.

December 21, 2020
Patrick Tigue
How to Use a Sphygmomanometer the Correct Way
For sufferers of white coat hypertension — a syndrome describing the anxiety that some feel when approached by a medical professional — knowing how to use a sphygmomanometer to properly check blood pressure can mean the difference between life and death. That’s no exaggeration. High blood pressure is what us folks in the medical business call “the silent killer.” Over many years of living with hypertension, pressure on arterial walls can lead to a number of health challenges including heart disease, and possibly an early death. Many sufferers live with the pressure for years without symptoms. For those who live with anxiety and hypertension, managing the anxiety is about as important as managing blood pressure. Visits to the doctor may not be enough, especially if those visits only crank up your anxiety and blood pressure. The good news for anyone who’s recently learned they suffer from high blood pressure is, measuring blood pressure is about as complicated as making popcorn in the microwave… well, almost that easy. There are a few variables to consider when embarking on a plan to measure at home. Should I go digital or use more traditional methods of measurement? What do I need to buy? What data am I measuring? How should I interpret my results? By the end of this blog, complete with step-by-step instructions and a video [at the end], you’ll have everything you need to feel confident you can use a sphygmomanometer to test your own blood pressure. But, first, what is a sphygmomanometer? What's a Sphygmomanometer? You know that inflatable cuff they wrap around your upper arm at the doctor’s office, the one the nurse inflates until it feels numb? That’s one part of a sphygmomanometer. There’s also rubber bulb, the lemon-sized hand pump situated at the end of one tube. Squeezing that bulb inflates the cuff. There will also be a pressure gauge of some sort, manual or digital. A complete set-up will include a stethoscope, and, of course, someone to read the data. That someone could be you so long as you know what you’re doing. Don’t worry. It’s not like operating a tattoo gun. There’s very little chance of doing permanent damage, but if your wellbeing is at stake, it’d be good to get it right as soon as possible. How Does a Sphygmomanometer Work? Sphygmomanometers are pretty useful tools used to measure blood pressure. We all know that as the heart beats, it pumps blood around the body, and the pressure of your blood is an important metric in all kinds of medical check ups. Checking your blood flow, systolic pressure, and diastolic pressure are highly important to your health. Blood pressure cuffs are wrapped around the circumference of the upper arm, targeting the brachial artery, and inflated to well above the expected systolic pressure of the patient—they are then allowed to deflate. Once the cuff pressure matches that of the arterial pressure, blood begins to flow past the cuff, creating audible noise called Korotkoff sounds. These are monitored using a stethoscope, and will continue until the cuff pressure falls below the diastolic blood pressure of the patient. Blood pressure measurements are documented as "systolic over diastolic". An example may be 120 (systolic) over 70 (diastolic). What's Better—Digital or Manual Sphygmomanometers? There are several types of blood pressure monitors on the market, from clinical wall-mount systems to much simpler wrist monitors, with everything in-between. The simplest among them produce digital blood pressure readings, not much different to use than reading a digital watch versus reading a traditional clock or a mercurial thermometer. Omron HEM7130, which features a digital display, is a good example, removing the need for a stethoscope and helping to avoid inaccurate readings. It’s a plug-and-play, portable design, packed with features like storage, body movement detection, and an irregular heartbeat detector. Use is as easy as putting it on, turning it on, and reading the results. I’ll come back to that part in a second. The Reister Big Ben floor model, also known as an aneroid monitor, is closer to what most folks think of when it comes to sphygmomanometers. Units like the Big Ben feature a clock-face style display, but with one hand instead of two, Reading a manual scale versus a digital one takes a little more practice to get an accurate reading, but for tracking trends, an exact reading isn’t super necessary. The Reister sphygmomanometers feature auto-balancing making accurate readings easier. Between the two extreme examples mentioned so far, there are steps in between. Neither is better or worse. A good indicator of which will work better for you is to consider your favourite wristwatch or wall clock. If you don’t mind changing batteries, then go digital. If antiquity is your style, check out the dial-based sphygmomanometers. What Exactly Do I Need to Get Started? Depending on which model you choose, you may not need to buy anything more, as is the case with the Omron model. If the dial-based sphygmomanometer is more your style, plan to pick-up a good stethoscope too. As you’ll learn in the next section, you’ll have to measure heart rate as part of the process. You could purchase the cuff, bulb, air-tubes, and dial separately from the stethoscope or you may consider a nursing student kit like the ACU Student Pack. One thing is for sure, you won’t need a high-end stethoscope like the cardiology stethoscope unless you’re moonlighting as a heart specialist in your free time. An entry level or classic stethoscope will do. Do consider a paediatric version if you’ll be setting up to track a child’s blood pressure. That goes for your blood pressure set-up too. Most ship with multiple sizes of cuffs, the only real variable outside of the stethoscope. How do I Interpret Data from a Sphygmomanometer? This is the most straight-forward part of the process, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. There may be concerning results, making subsequent tests challenging. Since you can stop worrying as easily as you can stop a train, instead redirect the train of your thoughts to something procedural. Do something like make a grocery list in your head. Although opinions vary somewhat, in general, a normal test will read 120/80 (systolic/ diastolic). Readings between 120 and 139 for systolic and 80 to 89 in diastolic indicate possible prehypertension. If your systolic is between 140 and 150, and your diastolic is between 90 and 99, you may have stage I hypertension. Stage II hypertension is when your systolic exceeds 160, with a diastolic over 100. Stage III hypertension is over 180 systolic, and a 110 diastolic or higher. There are many factors that can give you a false reading. Unless it's 180/110, try not to panic over one high reading. Even then, perform at least one retest. If you’ve been engaged in a robust activity, like working out or playing sports, it may be higher. If you’ve been eating salty food, consuming stimulants (coffee, ADD medication), it will be higher than normal. Adjust the cuff and take another reading. If you wait a few hours and it doesn’t come down from a one-off, you may feel more comfortable after contacting a medical professional. Low readings may mean you need to retest, but if they’re accurate, you should only worry if your physician has advised you to do so or if you feel lightheaded. If you’re concerned in any event, don’t be silly. Contact your physician. If you’d like to find out more about sphygmomanometers or explore rest of our equipment, take a look around the Medshop Malaysia store or get in touch with a member of our team today.

November 29, 2020
Patrick Tigue
The Best Alternatives to Latex Gloves
As one of the most frequently used items in the medical industry, the disposable latex glove is an ever-present in doctor’s surgeries and hospital wards across the world. However, for thousands of healthcare professionals and patients alike, these latex gloves are a cause of great discomfort, or at worst life-threatening allergic reactions. Since widespread adoption in the 1960s, people have been searching for the best alternatives to latex gloves, and now in 2019 we are fortunate enough to have a number of excellent alternatives available to us. But, how did latex become so prevalent? And why are so many people allergic to it? Well, the answer to this lies in its origins as a naturally occurring product within rubber trees. The most common rubber tree species, the Hevea Brasiliensis, originated in the Amazon rainforest where it was first cultivated by Europeans for the production of rubber. The British were responsible for transporting the species to South East Asia where today it is grown in enormous quantities. Its durability, elasticity, and malleability ensured naturally occurring latex became widely used in the 18th Century, but it wasn’t until 1964 that it was first used to create disposable medical gloves. Unfortunately, as a naturally occurring product, latex rubber contains sensitising proteins that cause some people to have allergic reactions upon contact. These allergic reactions can range from mild skin irritations to severe anaphylactic shock, which in extreme cases can cause death. As a result, the need for safe alternatives to disposable latex gloves became extremely pressing, and there are now a number of excellent options available on the market. Here at Medshop Malaysia, we take a look at a few of the best alternatives just for you. Low-Protein Latex Gloves For those suffering from very mild allergic reactions to natural latex, a number of manufacturers now produce powder-free, low-protein, latex gloves as an alternative to traditional latex gloves. These benefit from having the same durability, elasticity and flexibility as normal latex gloves, and they are also better for the environment than disposable gloves made from synthetic materials that, in many cases, are not biodegradable. However, with the potential for an allergic reaction still possible, even though it is significantly minimised with reduced-protein natural rubber latex gloves, the best alternatives available are completely latex free. PVC Gloves Polyvinyl Chloride, better known as PVC, is a plastic rather than a rubber, and is therefore completely synthetic—essentially removing the natural proteins entirely. While this means no latex allergies, there are other chemicals used in its production, so it is always best to check first before you use PVC gloves. As an alternative to latex gloves they are cheap, strong (thanks to the thick polymers they are made from) and provide excellent protection from exposure to chemicals and other hazardous liquids. They are, however, far less biodegradable than latex gloves, and when used in the large quantities most hospitals require, they will have a much bigger impact on the environment. Nitrile Gloves Without doubt the best alternative to latex gloves available today, nitrile gloves have become an extremely popular option in many hospitals and surgeries. This synthetic rubber is made from a combination of copolymers, not dissimilar to PVC, that produce an extremely tough and durable material to rival natural latex. Nitrile gloves have excellent protection qualities, especially when handling oil or petroleum-based products, and have even been shown to have lower failure rates than natural latex rubber gloves. You will be able to distinguish Nitrile gloves on the ward as they almost always come in blue or black colours, making it easier to spot punctures or tears. The number of wearers suffering from allergic reactions after using Nitrile gloves is below 1%, and this level of reliability has seen them become the most widespread alternative to latex in the medical industry. The only drawback with Nitrile gloves in their current form is the impact their frequent use has on the environment. Much like PVC, synthetic Nitrile polymers are extremely slow to breakdown naturally. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, with the first biodegradable Nitrile gloves already beginning to hit the market. These gloves do come at a price though, and until they become a little more cost effective, most hospitals won’t be rushing to stock up on them. Until biodegradable Nitrile gloves become widely available, the best alternative to latex gloves remains Nitrile gloves. Prioritising the safety and comfort of healthcare professionals and patients with latex allergies must take precedent to ensure the ongoing provision of top-quality care in the Malaysian healthcare system. Medshop Malaysia stocks a wide variety of Nitrile gloves, as well as traditional latex ones, to meet the needs of all professionals in the medical industry. Discover our range today and browse the rest of our healthcare industry supplies on the Medshop website

October 31, 2020
Patrick Tigue
Pick Carefully – The Best Omron Blood Pressure Monitor
There’s no denying it. We, the Medshop team, love the Omron brand for monitoring blood pressure. It’s their world-renowned reputation, sure, but also the fact that Omron monitors go out into the field and they don’t come back. They’re so popular that we rarely discount them because there’s hardly a need or opportunity to do so. As one of our most popular brands, Omron products fly off the shelves. That’s not a complaint, either. It’s reflective of a world where people need to keep track of this important data. Like it or not, the future for measuring blood pressure seems to be secure. Hypertension continues to adversely many people around the world. Across the globe, raised blood pressure accounts for some 10.4 million deaths per year, and it is estimated that more than 1.39 billion people were suffering from hypertension in 2010. The fact is, today, that figure is likely to be higher. Until we can sort out every cause and strike down hypertension for good, the world need brands like Omron. This is your guide to finding the ideal blood pressure monitor for your needs. What is the best blood pressure monitor to buy? When it comes to picking the right piece of equipment, so long as consumers have done their research, they find their Omron equipment continues to deliver benchmark results use after use, which begs the question, Yeah, but really… which one is the best? We’re getting there. The short answer you already guessed: It depends. In a pinch, anything sporting the Omron brand will do the job, plain and simple. Making the ideal choice for you, whether you are an individual user planning to self-test or a medical professional who needs a unit you can kick down a set of stairs (please don’t do this) and it still works, there are better models. To get to the heart of the answer to this question, we'll compare some of Omron's best to help you narrow your search. But first, what is the accuracy of a blood pressure monitor? What is the accuracy of a BP monitor made by Omron? Is the Omron BP Monitor Accurate? It should seem obvious by their success, Omron makes the most accurate blood pressure monitors in the world. However, this is not all that separates Omron from the rest though. In general, as long as one uses the monitor correctly, blood pressure measuring devices stack up about the same. None of them is absolutely the final word in the body’s fluid pressure levels. First, there are factors which can throw the result, white coat syndrome (elevated blood pressure due to anxiety from medical coats) for one, but there are controllable factors that can affect the outcome too. We're not talking about drinking, smoking, and obesity either. Those are controllable in the big picture, but in the immediate case of using a BP monitor, Omron or otherwise, one must also follow a few simple steps. Use the right-sized cuff. If it’s too small or too big, your results will be inaccurate. Apply the cuff correctly. This means on the skin, not through clothing, and placed in the correct place on the arm. Rest. Sit for about five minutes before the test for better accuracy. Sit. Lying down is too relaxed, but standing up is not relaxed enough. Relax. Speaking of relaxing, there is a balance including your emotional stimulus. Anything that would otherwise make the user emotionally tense, should be avoided. So, don’t talk about stressful matters leading up to the test. Do not consume stimulants before the test, including coffee and certain cold medications. Also, alcohol is going to mess things up. Make sure you’ve emptied your bladder too. Quiet, please. Do not talk during the test, and if you can avoid it, during your resting period before the test. If you spend more time managing these factors, provided your blood pressure testing equipment is well-maintained, the results will be as close to accurate as possible, Omron or not. All that said, Omron should give you fewer malfunction headaches in the long run. That peace of mind contributes to the idea of staying relaxed. A faulty cuff can only drive more hypertension. Which is the best blood pressure machine for home use? No beating around the bush. Let’s get right to the question many readers want answered. Here it is… Most at-home users opt for the HEM7121. It’s Omron’s basic monitor, easy to use, and provided you do all the things listed above, is accurate enough to tell you what you need to know. The reality is, if there is anything wonky going on with increased hypertension or its rare counterpart, hypotension, you’ll know it. No matter what, in a case such as that, you’re going to head to your nearest clinic for more information anyway. Spending more money on a device with more bells and whistles is not going to ensure a better reading, and it’s not going to change your diastolic. If you live with the reality that you may need medical attention for your blood pressure at any time, what you gain from more complicated systems is only that: complications. In fact, for the at-home user, often the less information the better. Don’t take that to mean the 7121 is a slouch by any measure, either. It may be simple to use, and accurate as a heartbeat, but it offers some key information in addition to blood pressure. If you have an irregular ticker, the 7121 will let you know. Also, it stores up to 30 readings so you don’t have to keep track yourself. All of this is easy to read and understand. If you can make popcorn in your microwave, and if you have no special condition other than blood pressure concerns, you can use the 7121. HEM7320 vs HEM7322 Both the HEM7320 (ultra-premium) and the HEM7322 (premium), which we’ll call the 20 and 22 in this blog from here on out to keep the text short, offer everything you’ll find in the 7121. Both provide some upgrades which might be worth your money. In general, you’ll spend another $40-60 for one of these monitors, but you’ll get three times the storage. This is key for users who need to keep track of a longer cycle of measurements. What these two models offer for users who struggle to sit still — for any variety of reasons, medical or otherwise — is body movement detection. If you recall, this is one of the factors you’ll want to avoid when taking your pressure. Some users simply cannot sit still. Detecting those movements can help you get a better reading. For clinics, this may save time, which works out to saving money in the long run. Both can give you an average of the last three readings so long as it’s been fewer than three minutes. Both will light up with an “ok” when you’ve applied the cuff correctly so it’s harder to mess that up. The 20 offers the IntelliWrap cuff, which aids in proper placement. It also offers enhanced IntelliSense technology, which is ideal for users with certain arrhythmia or heart disorders where blood pressure fluctuates. The 20 solves for those conditions. Bottom line: If you don’t suffer arrhythmia or heart disorders where blood pressure fluctuates, go with the HEM7322. For clinics deciding between these two, the HEM7320 will serve more of your patients HEM7280T vs HEM7600T Where the last two devices leave off, these two pick up the ball and bolt on modern Bluetooth connectivity. That advance allows users to connect them to Bluetooth-connected devices, like smartphones and tablets. It also makes it easier to share that data. The most obvious difference between the two is their respective designs. The HEM7600T (7600T) is an arm-based system, unlike any other blood pressure monitor in the Omron line. The display and cuff are one device, making it very compact, very slick, and removes the tubing that can break down over time. The 7600T also offers the most sophisticated wrap assistance, Omron’s IntelliWrap cuff. This slick design and that no-nonsense cuff are the features that push this device over the HEM7280T (7280T) for many individual users. Where the 7280T makes up is when there is more than one user on the device. Sure, the 7600T is sleek, but it only keeps a memory of one user’s data. The 7280T tracks two people. It also has a morning hypertension indicator for people who suffer regular morning hypertension. Bottom line: If you suffer from morning hypertension, go with the HEM7280T. If you don’t and want a no-nonsense design, go with the HEM7600T. Both represent the top level in blood pressure management. Some folks absolutely must be able to take BP measurements in a moment’s notice. There is no other option save round-the-clock nursing care. For some people, the anxiety around wondering about tension levels is enough to drive false positives all day long. Consult with your doctor about whether or not having a blood pressure monitor in the home is for you. Discuss which is the best one for you, and listen to that advice despite our opinion on the matter. Ultimately, your doctor can advise you what’s the best solution for you. For more information on choosing the right medical equipment for your needs, stay tuned to the Medshop Malaysia blog.

September 26, 2020
Patrick Tigue
The Best Nursing shoes in Malaysia
Nurses operating in most medical settings are on their feet for long hours every day. Whether they work in surgical theatres, emergency departments, doctors’ offices or specialist wards, nurses are likely to spend large parts of their shifts on the move. As a result, comfortable shoes are one of the most important parts of any nurse’s uniform. High-quality nursing shoes will not only help to soothe aching muscles and reduce foot pain, but they can also prevent cramps and help to promote circulation in the feet and calves. This can go a long way to ensuring nurses are happy and comfortable while caring for their patients. Most of the nurse shoes or clogs that Malaysian hospitals use are sourced from specialist manufacturers. This ensures they’re specifically designed for hard working nurses on long shifts, and provide the wearer with the support and durability they need. Investing in good quality shoes helps both nurses and hospitals to provide patients with the best care and takes a little of the strain out of this essential occupation. The Best Style of Nursing Shoe When selecting nurse shoes, Malaysian hospitals have two main options to choose from: clogs or athletic-style shoes. Both offer a range of benefits, so the choice really comes down to personal preference. While some hospitals allow nurses to select their own style of shoe, others require a specific look in order to keep staff uniform and promote a standard dress code. Either way, the best shoes for your needs should be comfortable and hardwearing. Here, we look at some of the most popular medical shoe styles around. Nursing Clogs Clogs are easy to slip on and off and so offer excellent usability. This can make them a great choice for hospitals that require their staff to change footwear between wards, operating rooms, or other areas. Clogs generally have a looser fit than athletic-style shoes. This can aid breathability and makes them suitable for warmer climates and heated hospital wards. Clogs can have either open or closed heels. Open heels allow for excellent air circulation around the foot while closed heels provide the wearer with all-round support. Open Heel Clogs Open heel clogs are easy to slip on and off. Products like the Sanita San Flex Clog Open Heel are very popular with nurses as they’re practical and provide excellent support and breathability. Accepted by the American Podiatric Medical Association, they offer an absorbent insole, a medium width fit and reinforced, padded insteps. Like all of the clogs in the Sanita range, these shoes are designed to relieve pressure and swelling and stimulate the muscles in the legs. This makes them very comfortable to wear, even on the busiest hospital wards. Closed Heel Clogs Closed heel clogs offer good all-round support and great durability. Shoes like the Sanita San Flex Clog Closed Heel are made with high quality materials and are specially crafted to withstand heavy wear and tear. While closed heel clogs offer a slightly tighter fit, they still allow for good breathability and airflow. Athletic-Style Nursing Shoes The other options Malaysian nurses have is an athletic-style shoe. These resemble traditional exercise shoes and are designed to offer a comfortable and supportive fit, often with extra arch support and soft footbeds. The Infinity FLY Footwear Women's Athletic work shoe is a great example of this style. These types of shoes are a good option for nurses who prefer footwear that fits snugly around the toes, the ball of the foot and the heel. This style of shoe often has a more formal look than nursing clogs. A number of athletic-style nursing shoes are designed to be machine washable. This allows nurses to clean them easily in a washing machine and remove any dirt, grime and contaminants that they’ve picked up during their shift. The Best Materials for Nurse shoes The nurse shoes Malaysia professionals wear should be strong and hardwearing. They also need to be comfortable and breathable. Understanding a little about the material the shoe is made from can help nurses select the right footwear for their needs. Leather Nurse Shoes Durable and stylish, leather has always been a popular choice for a high-quality pair of shoes in medical settings. Many of the top-end nurse clogs Malaysian hospitals use, like the Sanita San Flex Clog, are made from specially selected leather. This leather is treated with Permair, a unique microporous finish that allows feet to breathe more naturally. Leather clogs are resistant to wear and tear and are easy to wipe down at the end of the day. Leather is one of the most durable options for nursing shoes and is also one of the most attractive. This makes it the ideal choice for nurses who want to look good and enjoy excellent foot support. Most of the leather nursing shoes Malaysian professionals wear are fitted with non-slip soles. This allows doctors and nurses to get around quickly and safely, even in an emergency. In most cases, leather shoes are more expensive than those made from other materials. However, as leather is highly durable and resilient, it’s likely to last a long time, making leather nursing shoes a great investment in the long run. Fabric Nurse Shoes Fabric shoes, like the Infinity FLY Footwear Women's Athletic work shoe and the Sanita Wave Professional Knit Shoe, offer comfort, breathability and a natural fit. Some nurses find the flexibility and lightweight feel of fabric shoes cooler and more comfortable than other options. This makes them ideal for hotter climates and for nurses who want to feel a little lighter on their feet. One of the major benefits of fabric shoes is that most are suitable for machine washing. The option to put shoes in the wash at the end of the day makes it even easier to keep footwear clean and hospitals hygienic. Some fabric shoes are also treated with anti-microbial chemicals in order to reduce odour-causing bacteria. EVA Nurse Shoes A lot of the nurse shoes Malaysia hospitals use are made from ethylene-vinyl acetate, or EVA. This innovative material is similar to rubber. Strong, lightweight and flexible, it’s resistant to cracking, heat and UV radiation. Most of the EVA used to make nursing shoes is known as injection-moulded EVA, or IMEVA. It’s most commonly used to make nursing clogs, although some other types of shoes also have IMEVA elements. One of the main advantages of IMEVA is its affordability. These types of shoes are relatively easy to mass-produce and so, while the quality is high, the cost to the consumer is low. This is one reason they’re a popular choice with hospitals and medical professionals in Malaysia. A great example of IMEVA nursing shoes are the Anywear Footwear Guardian Angel clogs. The lightweight IMEVA upper and midsole construction provides shock absorption and cushioning, keeping the shoes comfortable all day long. Anti-microbial treatment of the entire shoe reduces odour-causing bacteria while vent holes in the side panels aid airflow and help the feet to breathe. Anywear ZONE Footwear Women's Injected Clogs also have IMEVA upper and midsole construction and a removable EVA insole. They are designed to offer a spacious, comfortable fit and come with a slip-resistant rubber outsole and ventilation holes. This simple but effective design makes the Anywear ZONE clogs one of the most affordable options in our range of nursing shoes. The Best Brand of Nursing Shoes It’s always a good idea to invest in nursing shoes made by specialist manufacturers. Shoes that are specifically designed for nurses are more likely to be able to withstand the wear and tear of a hospital ward and are also more likely to offer nurses the support and fit they need to get through the day. Sanita Nursing Clogs Many of the best nurse clogs Malaysian medical professionals use are made by Sanita. The Danish company has been producing high-quality shoes for hardworking professionals for over 100 years. All shoes made by the manufacturer are handcrafted in Poland to ensure they’re up to standard. Sanita shoes are all made from high-quality materials. Most of their clogs, like the Sanita Wave Leather Clogs with Carbon Style Open Heel, are crafted from leather to allow feet to breathe naturally. Slip-resistant soles help to keep the wearer safe and a protective finish prevents scratches and scruffs detracting from the look of the clogs. Cherokee Nursing Shoes American brand Cherokee also produces an excellent range of nursing shoes. Like Sanita clogs, Cherokee comfort shoes are specifically designed for professionals. This means Cherokee shoes are comfortable and practical as well as hard wearing. Cherokee nursing shoes are available in a wide range of styles. Choose from cool, comfortable nursing clogs and loafers or snug-fitting athletic shoes to find the style that’s right for you. Cherokee shoes also come in a choice of colours, making it easy to find the pair that best matches your uniform. Professional footwear brands are available from specialist suppliers. Sourcing nursing shoes from specialist suppliers ensures a high standard of footwear and gives Malaysian hospitals and professionals the opportunity to compare different brands, styles and price points to find the nursing shoes that best suit their needs. Find out more about our favourite high quality nursing shoes and our new arrivals by exploring our online store today .

August 31, 2020
Patrick Tigue
The Best Stethoscopes for Malaysia
The stethoscope is one of the most iconic pieces of medical equipment ever invented. Dating back to the early 19th century, it's used by doctors, nurses and medical professionals in every corner of the world. Although the underlying concept of the stethoscope is relatively simple, today’s devices are carefully designed, precision engineered and finely tuned to optimise performance and usability. Good quality stethoscope models help doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers offer patients the best possible care. They also allow tests and checks to be carried out quickly, accurately and efficiently. To help medical professionals find the right stethoscopes for their needs, we’re taking a look at the best stethoscopes available in Malaysia. The Best Stethoscope for Cardiologists: 3M Littmann Master Cardiology Stethoscope Of all the stethoscopes Malaysian doctors use, it’s perhaps the cardiologists’ that are the most precise. High-quality stethoscopes are essential for cardiologists as they allow these specialists to hear everything that’s going on in the patient’s heart. With even small changes to the rhythm or sound making a big difference to diagnostics, this kind of precision is essential. The Master Cardiology Stethoscope is made by 3M Littmann, one of the most respected manufacturers in the field. The stethoscope has the best acoustic response in the Littmann mechanical range, making it ideal for use on cardiology patients. The tunable diaphragm allows doctors to hear high or low frequency sounds by simply changing the pressure on the chest. Dual-lumen tubing means there are two sound paths in one tube which eliminates the rubbing noise of traditional double tubes. The headset is easily adjusted to perfectly fit the wearer and the angled ear tubes align with the ear canals. The Master Cardiology Stethoscope includes Special Procedures Adaptors for paediatric or neonatal auscultation and also comes with a choice of ear tips. The Best Paediatric Stethoscope: 3M Littmann Classic II Pediatric Stethoscope When working with children, it’s always best to use specialist paediatric equipment. The 3M Littmann Classic II Pediatric Stethoscope is perfect for the job. Made by 3M Littmann and easily available in Malaysia, the stethoscope offers excellent acoustics and an adjustable fit or better sound and comfort. The non-chill rim and diaphragm ensure that kids will find this infant stethoscope comfortable while the soft-sealing ear tips allow doctors to hear every sound. As well as a floating diaphragm, the stethoscope has an open bell headset. This makes the chest piece very versatile and further improves acoustic sensitivity. The Best Electronic Stethoscope: 3M Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Digital 3200 with Bluetooth When looking at products from Littmann Malaysia, price guides generally give you a good indication of the quality and functionality of the product you’re looking at. This is certainly true of the 3M Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Digital 3200 with Bluetooth. The stethoscope, while more expensive than others in the 3M Littmann range, offers some fantastic extras, making it ideal for medical professionals who want a high performance tool. The stethoscope is able to eliminate up to 85% of ambient noise, reduce frictional noise and amplify audio up to 24 times. This helps doctors to hear every little sound in a patient’s chest, something that can make a big difference to diagnostics and treatment plans. The non-chill diaphragm cover ensures the stethoscope is comfortable for the patient, while the patented 3M Littmann Snap-Tight Soft Seal Ear Tips will fit the wearer perfectly for increased acoustic performance and comfort. There’s a 2-year Littmann warranty Malaysian hospitals can claim under in case of a fault and a variety of tube colours doctors can choose from. The 3M Littmann aElectronic Stethoscope Digital 3200 also comes with Bluetooth connectivity for advanced and data gathering during physical assessments The Best Teaching Stethoscope: 3M Littmann Classic II S.E. Teaching Stethoscopes The 3M Littmann Classic II S.E. teaching stethoscope is an outstanding educational tool. The stethoscope has two headsets to allow the instructor and medical student to listen at the same time. The headsets have different coloured tubes to help users differentiate between them and both can be adjusted for individual comfort. The versatile design of the chestpiece allows the user to adjust the frequency of the sounds they hear using pressure alone. It also offers high acoustic sensitivity for better sound, allowing students and teachers to examine the lungs and heart with confidence. This is especially important with teaching stethoscopes as students are unused to the sounds they’re hearing and so need audio to be extra clear. The resilient, next-generation tube keeps its shape and flexibility even after being folded into a pocket. The tube measures 40 inches (102cm) to allow for easier movement around the patient. The Best Ergonomic Stethoscope: Prestige Ergonomic Single Head Stethoscope A lot of the stethoscopes Malaysia hospitals provide are used heavily throughout the day. If they’re not well-designed, they can begin to cause problems for the wearer, becoming uncomfortable as the shift goes on. The best way to avoid these sorts of issues is to choose a model designed with comfort in mind. The Prestige Ergonomic Single Head Stethoscope is a good choice for professionals who want a stethoscope that’s easy to wear. The dual chamber zinc chest piece and innovative tube design enable stereo auscultation, while the snap-on fibreglass diaphragm offers an excellent frequency range response. The Best Veterinary Stethoscope: Prestige Veterinary Clinical I Stethoscope It’s not only doctors that use stethoscopes, vets also need precision-engineered stethoscopes to accurately monitor and diagnose their patients. The Prestige Veterinary Clinical I Stethoscope is specially designed for use on a range of animals. It features an extra long tube to enable easier auscultation of larger animals and a stainless steel head. The Prestige Veterinary Clinical I stethoscope has a snap-on diaphragm retaining ring and a non-chill bell ring. These are both easy to clean and easy to maintain. The versatile design of the Prestige Veterinary Stethoscope ensures it’s suitable for use on animals of all shapes and sizes, and will provide accurate readings for all patients. The Best Classic Stethoscope: 3M Littmann Classic III Stethoscope If you’re looking for a high quality, all-round stethoscope, the 3M Littmann Classic III Stethoscope is a great choice. The most recent model to be developed by 3M Littmann, the design for the Classic III has been fine-tuned to give doctors and their patients an unbeatable diagnostic tool. The 3M Littmann Classic III offers high definition sensitivity, a new ergonomic design and improved engineering. The open bell can be adapted for paediatric use and both the adult and paediatric diaphragms can be quickly tuned for better acoustics. The single-piece diaphragm is easy to attach and easy to clean. The next-generation tubing offers enhanced resistance to skin oils and alcohol, extending the lifespan of the stethoscope. The stethoscope comes with an impressive 5-year warranty and the device is made in the USA to ensure quality is kept consistently high, with replacement parts also available. Like many of the other stethoscopes available from your Littmann distributor, Malaysia hospitals can choose from a range of colours for the Classic III. This allows hospitals and health centres to keep their medical equipment on brand or to colour code stethoscopes for different wards and departments. The Best Lightweight Stethoscope: 3M Littmann Lightweight II S.E. Stethoscope Lightweight stethoscopes are small, compact and easy to carry in a pocket throughout the day. The 3M Littmann Lightweight II S.E. stethoscope weighs just 118g and is the lightest in the Littmann range. It’s an incredibly useful tool for carrying out blood pressure readings, identifying heart sounds, and producing restricted physical tests on adult patients—particularly for paramedics who need to save on space in their kit. Like the other stethoscopes in the 3M Littmann range, the Lightweight II S.E has a tunable diaphragm. This means the user can hear higher frequency noises by pressing firmly on the chest and lower frequency sounds by slightly releasing the pressure. The non-chill rim ensures the patient is comfortable throughout the examination. Resilient tubes help the stethoscope to keep its shape while the soft-sealing ear tips provide both great acoustics and a comfortable fit. The high quality build, lightweight design and precision engineering, make this stethoscope ideal for nurses, EMTs, medical assistants and nursing students. It’s also a good choice for those who need to check their patients on the go. The Best Stethoscope Accessories and Spare Parts: EVA Stethoscope Case Protecting your stethoscope from daily wear and tear will help it to last longer and stay in good condition. This EVA stethoscope case from Medshop is specially designed to securely hold your stethoscope and its attachments or replacement parts. The case features durable EVA construction, a pre-formed inner compartment and a robust zip fastener. The easy-grip zipper is made from rubber and there’s a carry handle for when you’re on the move. The case is suitable for use with most 3M Littmann stethoscopes, including dual head style devices. Investing in a good quality stethoscope will help you and your medical centre provide the best possible patient care. Having tools that are well designed and built to last will also ensure that the stethoscopes you buy now will last for years to come. If you’d like a 3M Littmann stethoscopes Malaysia price guide, or if you want to find out more about any of the high-quality stethoscopes we offer, explore our site or get in touch with a member of our team.

August 02, 2020
Alicia Martin
The Best Nursing Pouches in Malaysia
From Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu, there are a few pieces of equipment that really make a difference to any nurse's job, and some things that you simply cannot do without in order to provide the best possible levels of healthcare. You need a pair of comfortable shoes for those long shifts (of course), a decent nurse watch, and probably a robust stethoscope and thermometer. But that’s not all, and there’s a whole catalogue of other items on your list that make your job easier and your day infinitely more efficient. In truth, sometimes it’s the little things that you use most, and bandage scissors, forceps, pen lights, chart markers, and other accessories are an integral part of your rounds, ensuring you have the consumables and tools you need for any eventuality. The only problem is, how do you keep all of that important equipment to hand? Well, here at Medshop we’ve got the answer, and it comes in the form of a convenient and comfortable unisex nurse’s pouch that strapped to your body when you need it most! Nurse’s pouches are a Malaysian healthcare professional’s best friend. They’re compact and practical, can be worn crossbody or used as a handbag or belt, allowing you to easily store your most used items on your person. This means you’ll always know where your most necessary tools and essentials are, and they are always handy in an emergency. Additionally, as the healthcare professions become increasingly digitised, they provide ample room for electronic devices, and you can even slip your smartphone into one to keep it secure. So, to help you decide which nurse’s utility pouch in Malaysia best suits your particular requirements, here we run down our favourite products on our website. Read on to discover more about this simple yet integral piece of nurse’s kit and grab one for yourself today. Medshop Nurse Pouch The Medshop Nursing Pouch bag kicks off our list with a stylish, rugged, and practical pocket pouch that’s made for the most demanding environments. Available in a range of colours, from black to bright pink, and with the option of adding two-tone stitching to really make your pouch stand out from the crowd, there’s plenty of options for you to choose from. Each pouch features a mesh front with two open pockets on the front and three pen holders just below—making this a great choice for stationary and other small items. Above those, there’s a zip pocket for extra security, and it all straps on snugly with the provided adjustable belt. Finally, this nurse’s is 100% washable and will retain its shape, so even after a long and messy day, you can just throw it in the washing machine and forget about it until you need it next. Prestige Belt Clip Organiser The Belt Clip Organiser from Prestige offers the busy nurse four front pockets, and Velcro-closure coin pocket, a key chain, and a range of Velcro tabs to secure important instruments such as stethoscopes. This storage bag is also available in colours to match your scrubs, and either black, grey or white options keep things minimal, while the convenient belt clip snaps right on to your belt without and hassle. But these are not the only reasons while this nurse’s pouch is one of the best in Malaysia. This particular tool bag organiser is also available as the Prestige Belt Clip Organiser Kit, providing nurses with all the organisational features of the original but with a few handy tools to boot. Within the kit, you’ll find a pair of 5.5" Lister bandage scissors, a disposable penlight and a 3-colour chart pen—making this a great choice for student nurses or other healthcare professionals just starting out. Prestige Organiser Belt A modern design for the modern professional, the Prestige Organiser Belt and nursing bag has plenty of storage options packed into a compact and functional form. Featuring a tape loop, seven pockets, and two Velcro tabs, this fanny pack-style nurse utility pouch is simple yet, ultimately, highly practical and suited to a broad range of healthcare environments. An adjustable belt is included with this particular pouch, and the quick release buckle means putting it on and taking it off is super simple. Additionally, weighing in at just 2.55 ounces, this pouch won’t weigh you down regardless of how many pens, pairs of scissors or forceps, or other bits and pieces you load into it for another busy day. Prestige 5-Pocket Designer Organiser Kit Pushing the Prestige range to the next level, the 5-Pocket Designer Organiser Kit gives you plenty of storage options and a few extra features to boot. It has all the same features as a standard organiser, but also includes an extra pocket on the back for even more storage space. The key chain and Velcro clips enhance your storage options further, and the organiser slips right onto your belt. However, this particular nurse’s pouch is on our best list in Malaysia for its added extras. Again, you’ find a pair of 5.5" utility scissors, matching disposable penlight, and 3-color chart pen. It also available in a range of colours including hot pink, navy, purple, royal blue, and teal, making it the perfect match for any types of scrubs. Prestige Belt Loop Organiser DX Kit This nurse pouch waist bag is one to add to the wishlist, and the Prestige Belt Loop Organiser DX Kit has got everything you need for your job—and more. Featuring four front pockets, key chain and clip, multiple Velcro tabs and a Velcro-closure coin pocket, there plenty of space for storage, plus its available in colours navy, pink, and white. As part of the kit, you’ll find a disposable penlight, and a 3-colour chart pen alongside a pair of 5.5" Lister bandage scissors. This nurses pouch slides on to most belts using the belt loop on the back, meaning it stays secure no matter how much drama you experience in your day-to-day work. Elite Bags KEEN’s Nurse Organiser As a practical addition to your nurses pouch, the Elite Bags KEEN’s Nurse Organiser can be carried in the pocket of your scrubs or in your utility belt. Inside, you can easily store essentials such as valve caps, three way stopcocks, medical torches, tweezers, pens, and other items, and the included 3 flat pocket, mesh pocket, plaster dispenser, and retractable system for holding scissors ensures you got access to everything you need in an instant. Available in a range of colours, this handy little organiser also allows you to prop it up on your desktop for even more organisational options. Simply fold the purse backwards and it will form a useful tent shape that sits comfortably at your workstation while you get on with other things. It’s one of the best pouches for nurse’s in Malaysia and is a great addition to any healthcare professional’s arsenal. For more information on the individual product details of the best nurses’ pouches in Malaysia, or any of the other products on the Medshop website, contact us today to discuss your requirements. Alternatively, checkout the Medshop blog to keep up with all the latest updates, news, tips and tricks related to the medical world.

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